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A philosophy of quality

The industry has diversified successfully over the past 30 years and developed the third largest farmed salmon industry in the world, based upon a philosophy of quality. It is now internationally recognised for its high standards based upon an independently audited Code of Good Practice.
The cold, clear lochs of the Scottish Highlands and Islands provide ideal conditions for Scottish salmon to grow and thrive. Strong currents ensure fish are constantly swimming, producing firm textured flesh and exceptional flavour. Farmers are committed to the highest quality standards of animal welfare, sustainability and environmental conservation and work closely with small rural communities to ensure the right balance at land and sea.






Guaranteed origin

In 2004, Scottish salmon received Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) status from the European Commission, setting it alongside world famous products like Champagne and Parma Ham.



Saumon Écossais Label Rouge

Scottish farmed salmon was the first fish and non-French food to obtain Label Rouge status in 1992. Granted by the French Ministry of Agriculture, Label Rouge is a prestigious quality mark given to foods of superior quality and taste.

The firm flesh of Label Rouge Scottish salmon makes it the perfect fish for sashimi and sushi. Each salmon is identified by an individual tag and unique number to guarantee full traceability and optimum freshness. For more information about this specific part of the industry, please visit http://www.saumonecossais.com/en/




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